Monday 30 May 2011

Knit good woman, knit!

Men everywhere are saluting Insight's reverence of Magda Sayeg skills as a pro-artist knitter! Taking street art to the next level she's used her craft to capture the public's imagination and is now a featured artist with a t-shirt as part of Insight's 'Unititled' range.
S x

Interior styling: Collectables

Saw these ladies' houses on MLK+HNY blog; Pamela Loves, Julia Roitfeld and Charlotte Rust are three ladies who love to collect finds...
Anyone who tells you otherwise clearly is deluded.
Keep collecting!

Sunday 29 May 2011

MADE: The Cake.

Four layers of velvety chocolate fudge goodness and topped off with some extra tall slimline silver candles and silk orchids. Went down a treat for my mum's 60th!

Saturday 28 May 2011

MADE: White lace bunting!

On a budget to prettify my lounge for my mum's 60th birthday party so had to find some bunting on a budget. I had a stash of doilies in one of my kitchen cupboards and the results looked even better than the bought stuff - often the way round with homemade!
Do it yourself by cutting up old doilies into triangles then use double sided tape to fix them onto brown crinkly twine...LOVELY!
S x

Old school daisies make me smile!

Pure whites with a dash of vivid yellow...brilliant.