Friday 3 June 2011

Vintage maps - inspire exploration!

I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean last night and when one map was unravelled by Mr Johnny Depp to lead to hidden treasure I instantly felt the need to get some maps in my possession. Used for framing, wallpapering a wall, gift wrap or simply to collect they are beautiful and inspiring travel pieces from different times...

Monday 30 May 2011

Knit good woman, knit!

Men everywhere are saluting Insight's reverence of Magda Sayeg skills as a pro-artist knitter! Taking street art to the next level she's used her craft to capture the public's imagination and is now a featured artist with a t-shirt as part of Insight's 'Unititled' range.
S x

Interior styling: Collectables

Saw these ladies' houses on MLK+HNY blog; Pamela Loves, Julia Roitfeld and Charlotte Rust are three ladies who love to collect finds...
Anyone who tells you otherwise clearly is deluded.
Keep collecting!

Sunday 29 May 2011

MADE: The Cake.

Four layers of velvety chocolate fudge goodness and topped off with some extra tall slimline silver candles and silk orchids. Went down a treat for my mum's 60th!

Saturday 28 May 2011

MADE: White lace bunting!

On a budget to prettify my lounge for my mum's 60th birthday party so had to find some bunting on a budget. I had a stash of doilies in one of my kitchen cupboards and the results looked even better than the bought stuff - often the way round with homemade!
Do it yourself by cutting up old doilies into triangles then use double sided tape to fix them onto brown crinkly twine...LOVELY!
S x

Old school daisies make me smile!

Pure whites with a dash of vivid yellow...brilliant.